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What is Killing My Lawn?

A perfect lawn is something that most homemakers want to have – even if lawn care carves out a huge chunk of time from their busy lives. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try, some people still fail to keep their lawns lush, green, and healthy. In fact, even after going to such great lengths to keep their turfgrass alive, they end up dying.

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Top Reasons Why Your Lawn is Dying

The Grass is Mowed Too Close

You’ll need to know what type of grass you have before you can properly mow your lawn. Cool-season grass such as Ryegrass, Bluegrass or Fescue needs to be mowed taller at about at least 3 inches. Otherwise, their growth will be stunted and they won’t survive. On the other hand, warm-season grasses that include Zoysia grass, Centipede, and Bermuda grass need to be mowed much lower at about 2 inches or lower in order to thrive. 

Watering Too Much or Too Little

Moisture stress can kill your lawn. You’ll know that your grass is thirsty when it starts to turn into a lighter shade of green with blades that are shriveling up and the grass canopy that gradually gets thinner. Cool-season grasses need more water to stay healthy. On the other hand, warm-season grasses will thrive with less watering.

Fungus and Insects

Brown Patch is one of the most common fungus problems with Fescue grasses. What starts as a circle that’s about the size of a quarter can increase in size until it reaches 2 to 3 feet in terms of diameter. Furthermore, insects and worms that feed on grass stems or roots can also kill off the plants as much as the fungus does. These pests can attack warm and cool seasons grasses.

Hire the Experts at Lawn Care!

The experts at O’Hara Pest Control can bring your dead lawn back to life. Contact us now to schedule an inspection.

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