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Are You Looking for Weed Control Services in West Palm Beach?

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Getting professional help with your weed control is important to prevent them from covering an otherwise beautiful lawn. We not only control your weeds, but we also help keep them at bay from unwanted re-growth.

What is the O’Hara Pest Control Method?

a man spraying in the grass

Our exclusive weed control system is a multi-faceted approach designed to treat every weed problem. Our methods include:

Fertilizer Control

  • We use safe fertilizers to treat aggressive invasive weeds from spreading.

Mechanical Control

  • Digging and mowing help reduce the growth of weeds.

Cultural Control

  • We use mulch and other methods to reduce the amount of open space in a single area and keep weeds from growing.

Why Do Weeds Outgrow My Grass?

The truth is that weeds are just plants that happen to be better adapted to survive than the plants that surround them. Their roots may just happen to be stronger or more absorbent than their neighbors, and they simply outgrow them.

The word “weed” is just a general term used to describe any plant growing where it’s undesired. If you were to find a corn plant in the middle of a field of soybean, then that corn would be a weed. That’s why the best approach to dealing with weeds is by pulling them from the root, so they don’t have a chance to grow and compete with the surrounding plants.

Controlling Weeds

The word “weed” is just a general term used to describe any plant growing where it’s undesired. If you were to find a corn plant in the middle of a field of soybean, then that corn would be a weed. That’s why the best approach to dealing with weeds is by pulling them from the root, so they don’t have a chance to grow and compete with the surrounding plants.

Lawn Weeds

When controlling weeds growing among your grass, it’s important that the focus is only on the weeds to prevent the rest of your lawn from being damaged. Organic prevention measures are often the key as natural pre-emergent herbicides absorb moisture from sprouting seeds, preventing growth. Hand-pulling weeds will also guarantee removing the entire root, stopping the spread to other areas of your lawn.

While some guides might suggest using vinegar and salt, these should be avoided as they can damage your grass.

Flower and Plant Beds

Mechanical and cultural control should both be practiced in your flower or plant beds. Digging and hoeing will remove weeds with weak roots while leaving your plants intact. After the weeds are gone, you can place mulch to prevent them from returning. You can use traditional mulch, wood chips, or bark chips to block sunlight and suppress new weeds from growing.

Buildings, Pavers, and Lots

We will use safe fertilizers to control weed growth in areas where grass, plants, and flowers are of no concern. Empty lots, the sides of buildings, and around pavers are typically much easier to treat, as there is no need to be concerned about harming surrounding vegetation or a healthy lawn. Once we place the fertilizer, you can expect the weeds to wither away quickly.


What Are Weeds?

Weeds are plants that are normally grown in controlled settings but found their way into undesired areas. They can be a nuisance as they sprout on your lawn, giving the grass an unappealing aesthetic. Without weed control services in West Palm Beach, these green invaders can easily grow out of control and take over your lawn or garden. Weeds are tough, they not only grow quickly, but they have also evolved to reproduce a large number of seeds.

How Can I Detect Weeds?

Unfortunately, weeds grow and germinate quickly, which means that you’ll often not notice them until they’ve already towered over your grass. Weeds are typically grown in patches of disturbed soil and usually have special structures like wings, spines, hooks, sticky hairs, etc.

How Can I Prevent Weeds?

The best method of weed prevention is a watchful eye and cautious cultivation of your lawn and garden. As soon as you identify a stray weed, pull it out by the root before it has a chance to germinate. Mulching empty areas of your garden can also help prevent weeds by eliminating the empty space they use to grow.

Why Do Weeds Grow?

Weeds grow for the same reason any plants grow – access to water, sunlight, air, and space. These plants have the uncanny ability to grow rapidly anywhere there’s room to do so. Weeds have the ability to spread seeds rapidly, making them abundant and pervasive.

Will Weed Control Services in West Palm Beach Kill My Plants?

Weed control can be tricky as many methods can harm your plants and kill your grass. For this reason, we recommend using professional weed control services in West Palm Beach. Trained professionals know how to apply chemicals in such a way that your plants are left unscathed.

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