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Spider Control West Palm Beach | How to Spot a Spider Egg Sac

A spider’s life cycle is interesting. From being an egg, it turns into a nymph until it becomes a full-grown adult. Throughout these three life stages, a gradual metamorphosis takes place. Although the entire process can be fascinating, the last thing that most people want is a spider in their homes. If you want to keep those spiders at bay, you’ll need to hire a spider control West Palm Beach expert.

Spiders Lay Multiple Eggs

Did you know that spiders can manage to lay hundreds of eggs at one time? Spider egg sacs keep these eggs protected from predators and other harmful elements until the eggs hatch into nymphs. Although nymphs look a lot like their adult versions, they’re much smaller in size. As these nymphs grow, they go through a process called “molting” where they shed their skin a number of times before they reach adulthood. Since nymphs can be very small, you wouldn’t be able to identify the kind of spider you’re dealing with by examining them. It’s easier to determine the species a spider maybe if you inspect its spider eggs sacs.

Identifying Spider Sacs

Arachnids place their egg sacs in various locations such as their webs, on the underside of a leaf, on branches of trees, in a burrow or in undisturbed areas around your house. Spider egg sacs are made from loosely woven silk that’s similar to the silk used to spin webs. The size of the egg sacs is much like the size of the spider. Furthermore, these white or cream-colored egg sacs can either be oblong or round in terms of shape. Other sacs may appear spiky or bumpy while others are smooth. While a brown recluse’s off-white to tan egg sacs is round or cone-shaped, the black widows are about the size of a pencil eraser.

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Hire a Spider Control West Palm Beach Expert!

If you’re looking for a spider control West Palm Beach professional to help you with your spider problem, contact O’Hara Pest Control today.

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