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Rodent Removal West Palm Beach | How You Can Spot a Rodent Infestation

What are the surefire signs of a rodent infestation? It may be difficult to detect a mouse or rat problem because these creatures are pros at hiding and they also move silently in the night without you knowing it. Before these rodents invade your home or business, you’ll need to call for rodent removal West Palm Beach Services. If you notice any of these signs, you can be sure that you have rodents in your house:


Although rodents are really sensitive about being quiet when they’re trying to steal through your pantry or kitchen, they aren’t so careful when they’re infesting your attic spaces or wall voids. You’ll hear them scratching, chewing, scampering, or thumping inside the walls.

Rodent Droppings

Did you know that rats and mice leave their droppings everywhere they go? Although you may not always see the urine, their droppings are black in color and are over 3/8 of an inch long. Black and soft droppings are fresh ones while gray and dry droppings are old. In case you’re not aware, mice can leave up to 150 droppings a day while rats can leave up to around 50 droppings per day.


Rodent urine anddroppings always leave a certain smell, when they’re left for long periods, thestink can even be more difficult to eradicate. For instance, male field mice cansend signals to other mice through the proteins in their urine. Also, whenrodents die within the wall voids, a noxious odor will permeate around them unlessthe dead animal is removed, and the area is cleaned.

Paper Scraps

Since rodents like tosteal materials from around your house and use them to reinforce their nests,you can be sure that you’re dealing with these critters once you notice scrapsof paper and cloth in areas around your home.

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Looking for RodentRemoval West Palm Beach Services?

Deal with your rodent issues ASAP by hiring a rodent removal West Palm Beach service provider. Call O’Hara Pest Control to schedule an inspection!

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