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Rodent Removal West Palm Beach | How to Clean Up Safely After Rodents

Most homeowners panic at the sight of a rodent in their houses. If you’re one of the countless others who are wondering about how you can get rid of a rodent infestation, you’ll need to hire a rodent removal West Palm Beach service provider before things get out of hand. After calling the pros for help, you should clean up the rodent-related mess you’ve found. Check out these tips to help you clean up safely:

Clean Up Rodent Droppings and Urine

When you’re trying to get rid of rodent droppings and urine, be sure to wear safety gloves. Next, you’ll need to mix 1-part bleach to 10 parts water. Spray the bleach solution on the urine and droppings before you pick them up. Grab a plastic garbage bag and throw it away immediately. Don’t forget to wash your hands after removing your safety gloves.

Disinfect the Whole Area

Rodents bring with them a host of viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants. Your next task is to get rid of them all by using the bleach solution as you wash any surface that the rodents may have come in contact with. Use a steam cleaner to clean carpets effectively. Wash towels, bed linens, and clothing items that the rodents may have touched using hot water and detergent. It’s best to dispose of any item that’s impossible to clean.

Rodent-Proof Your Home

To make sure that therodents won’t find their way back into your home and cause furthercontamination and damage, you’ll need to ask for the help of a rodent-proofingprofessional. It’s their job to reduce your chances of having future rodentinfestations by sealing off the possible entry points to your house.

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Are You Looking for aRodent Removal West Palm Beach Service Provider?

It takes experience and extensive training to know how to discourage unwanted houseguests from sharing your home with you. If you’re looking for a rodent removal West Palm Beach service provider, contact O’Hara Pest Control to schedule an inspection!

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