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Rodent Control West Palm Beach | Why Rodent Infestations are Dangerous

As you were moving boxes around your storage room, did you notice a padded nest in the corner? Perhaps you were shocked to find rodent droppings in one of your kitchen drawers. You may have even spotted a frightened mouse scurrying across your bedroom and disappear under your own bed! The moment you find out that you’re sharing your house with these pests, it’s best to hire a rodent control West Palm Beach service provider because these rodents carry diseases that can put you and your family at risk. Here are the dangers of rodent infestations that you need to know.


In case you’re wondering how this happens, the rodents that carry the plague get bitten by fleas that could potentially transmit the disease to you or your pets. When the host animal dies, the fleas the leave to search for a warm body to live on. Although there hasn’t been an urban outbreak in the U.S. for the past few decades, it’s still wise to avoid contact with rodents and treat against fleas on any of your pets and in your home.


If you think that hantavirus isn’t a serious issue, think again. Hantaviruses happen to be a family of disease-causing viruses that are spread mainly by rodents through their feces, urine, saliva or a bite from an infected rat or mouse. Most folks who contract hantavirus are those who were exposed when they were attempting to clean up rodent nests, droppings, urine, and dead rodent bodies without wearing protective gear.


Usually infectinginfants and young children, this virus causes diarrhea and severe stomachcramps. Rodents carry their own form of rotavirus and this can be spreadthrough their feces.

who is the best rodent control west palm beach?

Hire the Best RodentControl West Palm Beach Service Provider

You’ll need to hire the best rodent control West Palm Beach service provider as soon as you can before more of that little mouse’s friends move in. Contact O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an appointment.

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