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Rodent Control West Palm Beach | Reasons Why Rodent Infestations are Dangerous

Do you have rats or mice in your basement, attic or walls? Aside from the fact that these rodents are an annoyance, they can also pose a threat to the health of your family – especially your kids. If you suspect a rodent infestation in your property, contact a rodent control West Palm Beach service provider immediately before these pests can make you and your kids sick. Here are the reasons why they’re dangerous for your children:

Rodent Droppings and Saliva Carry Diseases

When it comes to bathroom habits, rats and mice are never shy. They have this nasty habit of leaving their feces and urine in your cupboards, pantry, closets, and storage boxes. The problem is, rodents carry diseases that they can easily spread through their droppings and urine. These diseases include Rat Bite Fever, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, Rotavirus, and more. An illness called Rat Bite Fever is caused by pathogens that are transmitted by rodents. If your kids get bitten or scratched by infected rodents, they could get this disease.

Dangers of Rodent Droppings

There have been more than 500 deaths since hantavirus was first identified as a disease in 1993. When your kids come in direct contact with rodent droppings or saliva, they could catch this disease. Its symptoms include headache, fatigue, cough, fever, and muscle pain. Rats and mice can also transmit rotavirus through direct contact with their feces. Among its symptoms are severe stomach cramps and diarrhea.

They Increase the Symptoms of Asthma and Allergies

Rodentinfestations can worsen the symptoms of allergies and asthma, which can beespecially dangerous for smaller children.

what is rodent control west palm beach?

Call a Professional Rodent Control West Palm Beach Service Provider

A rodent infestation isn’t easy to eliminate that’s why it’s best to call a professional rodent control West Palm Beach service provider as soon as you suspect an infestation. If you want to keep your home rodent-free and safe for your kids, contact O’Hara Pest Control to schedule an inspection.

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