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Roach Control West Palm Beach | Top Reasons Why Roaches Want to Live in Your House

If you’re dealing with a roach infestation in your property, contact a roach control West Palm Beach service provider as soon as possible. You might be wondering why roaches would want to come and live in your home. Discover what attracts them and know the preventive steps that you need to take.


Like any other creature on the planet, roaches need food in order to survive. An effective way to keep roaches at bay is to eliminate their access to food. You’ll need to make sure that no food is left out on the counter and every juice, milk, and other plastic cans or containers that have been used are rinsed out before they’re thrown out. Also, don’t forget to take out the garbage every night. Be sure to wipe the surface of areas where you prepare your food and remove all the crumbs from the floor. It’s best to clean under appliances and to wipe them down on the counter. Moreover, every drawer must be checked for any leftover food debris.


Make sure that leaking pipes are repaired and all standing water in your home is removed. To keep water out of your walls, caulk must be used to in gaps around the tub and sink areas. Aside from hanging wet towels and mats after use, keep your kitchen sponges dry and off your counter as well.


Be sure to use caulkwhen you’re trying to block crevices and gaps. Have weather stripping on entryways,windows, and doors. As much as you can, remove all clutter.

what is roach control west palm beach?

Hire a Roach ControlWest Palm Beach Service Provider

If you’re looking for a roach control West Palm Beach service provider, look no further than O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an inspection.

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