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Pest Control in West Palm Beach | Understanding Cockroach Behavior

As you were standing in front of a gaping refrigerator door, you notice a cockroach scurrying past your feet. Before you could even pull your shoe off your foot to take aim, it’s gone. If you want to keep your home pest-free, you’ll need to hire an experienced pest control in West Palm Beach to get the job done for you. Keep reading to learn more about cockroach behavior from your pest control experts!

They are Social Creatures

Foremost,cockroaches can roam your kitchen and means that more of them are inside yourhome. Aside from the fact that they suffer from isolation syndrome, experts saythat a young roach that’s left on its own won’t find it easy to find a mate andbecome a part of a larger roach community. Whenever you see one, there is alwaysa colony nearby.

They’re Good at Communicating with One Another

Did you know that roaches use chemicals called cuticular hydrocarbons to communicate with one another? Their bodies and their feces release these chemicals to recognize a sibling or alert other roaches to travel a certain path.

They Don’t Mate with Relatives

Althoughthey live in large communities with multiple generations of their familymembers, they manage to steer clear from mating with their relatives, unlikeother insects.

In fact, a female German cockroach can only live for up to six months on average, it can produce anywhere between 180 to 320 offspring.

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Are You Looking for Pest Control in West Palm Beach?

Without the top pest control provider, you’ll potentially end up dealing with a full-blown infestation in a short time. As soon as you see a cockroach, call O’Hara Pest Control as soon as possible. Contact us today to get started!

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