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Pest Control Delray Beach | What You Can Do About Roach Droppings

You probably don’t want to go out of your way to look for cockroach poop around your home. However, you might be surprised to find out that this simple task can cause you to prevent infestation and disease. You’ll find their droppings in areas where they congregate and get food and water. The pest control Delray Beach experts can begin their control methods from that “ground zero” area.

How to Spot Roach Droppings

Since roach poop is very easy to spot, they’re considered to be one of the most common evidence of roach infestation. Brown or black specks that look like coarse coffee grains or finely ground black peppers are the droppings left behind by smaller roaches. However, depending on the type of cockroach or the surface, roach droppings can also resemble raised smears of fecal stains or dark ink that are brown or black in color. On the other hand, bigger roaches leave behind cylinder-shaped solid feces that are brown or black in color. The ridges that are running on the feces from tip to tip will allow you to differentiate them from smoother mouse droppings.

Where You Can Find Roach Droppings

Since roaches aren’t toilet-trained, they defecate everywhere they go. However, there are certain places where they love to relieve themselves. For instance, they frequently defecate in areas where they nest, get their food, and congregate. Oftentimes these areas are on top of your shelves, cabinets, and doors or in the corners of your rooms or along your baseboards. Other places include underneath your kitchen appliances, food storage areas, children’s playpens, cracks or openings in your walls, and inside your drawers, etc.

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Hire a Pest Control Delray Beach Service Provider

Knowing where to find roach poop is critical in detecting an infestation. However, the best way to keep these pests at bay is to contact an experienced pest control Delray Beach company right away. Contact O’Hara Pest Control now to schedule an inspection.

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