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Ant Control West Palm Beach | Ant Facts That May Surprise You

Ants – you can find them anywhere. In fact, homemakers hire ant control West Palm Beach services when these tiny creatures try to invade their houses. However, you might be surprised to find out that ants can demonstrate unique social characteristics and more. Check out these interesting facts about ants:

They Have Specific Jobs

Every ant in each colony has a specific job to do. The queen is responsible for laying eggs while other female ants’ function as workers that feed the larvae, forage for supplies and food, take out their colony’s trash, and defend the nest. The only job that male ants do is to mate with the queen.

They Don’t Have Ears

Unlike other creatures, ants don’t have auditory canals. However, they have special sensors that are located on their knees and feet that help them interpret signals from their surroundings. They can “hear” by feeling the vibrations in the ground through these sensors. While they forage for food, they make use of the hairs on their bodies and their antennae to feel around.

They Can Carry ObjectsMuch Heavier than Themselves

Compared to largeranimals, ants have muscles that are thicker relative to their body weight.These muscles allow them to lift anything that’s 10-15 times their body mass.To give you an idea, this is like a 200-pound person lifting a small commutercar above his head.

Homeless Ants Exist

Army ants don’t buildnests because they travel all day, looking for food from other colonies or frominsects they encounter. They build temporary nests during evenings and theykeep moving the next morning. However, when the queen lays eggs, the entirearmy ant colony stops moving as they wait for the eggs to hatch. They make anest using their own bodies to protect the queen, eggs, and food.

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Do You Need Ant ControlWest Palm Beach Services?

If you’re looking to find the best ant control West Palm Beach service provider, contact O’Hara Pest Control to schedule your inspection today.

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