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Pest Control Services West Palm Beach | What You Need to Know About Mouse Nests

Like other rodents, house mice deliver and raise their young in the nests that they build anywhere in your home. As soon as you spot mouse droppings anywhere in the house or hear scratching and squeaking sounds from behind your walls, you’ll need to check your surroundings for any signs of a mouse nest. It’s also best if you schedule an inspection with a trusted pest control services West Palm Beach company.

What a Mouse Nest Looks Like

If you see loose piles of similar materials or rough ball-like structures with pieces of scavenged food and droppings around them, you’re looking at a mouse nest. Mice are creatures that are extremely shy. For this reason, you can rarely see them more than 25 feet away from their nests. Furthermore, house mice like to harvest nest-building materials that are readily available and can be easily shredded and transported. These materials may include various items including fabric, paper, string, mattress, fiberglass insulation, wood chips or pellets, straw, plant material or pillow batting.

The Average Number of Mice in a Nest

In case you’re not aware, mice are creatures that breed without stopping. The female mouse is capable of carrying their young for approximately 3 weeks before she produces a litter with about 5 to 12 pups. In most cases, a single nest can accommodate up to two dozen mice.

Where Mice Make Their Nests

Housemice tend to build their nests in well-protected warm and dry areas that arealso close to their food source. The most common area in your home thatfeatures mouse-friendly amenities is your kitchen. If a mouse infestation issuspected, it’s extremely important to check for mouse nests behind yourkitchen appliances.

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Get Pest Control Services West Palm Beach!

If you want to keep those mice at bay, get the best pest control services West Palm Beach from O’Hara Pest Control. Contact us today!

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