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Pest Control Services West Palm Beach | What You Need to Know About Carpenter Ants

Did you know thatcarpenter ants are more than just a nuisance? If you have them in your home,they can cause serious damage to your property. For this reason, countlesshomeowners hire pest control services West Palm Beach to get these ants out of their homes asquickly as possible. Despite the fact that carpenter ants can eat away yourhouse’s structural foundation, they’re also amazingcreatures.

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Facts About CarpenterAnts That Will Amaze You

They Breathe Through Holesin Their Bodies

In case you’rewondering, carpenter ants don’t have lungs. This is why the oxygen they take in and thecarbon dioxide that they exude go through the tiny holes that are found allover their bodies.

They Don’t Eat Wood

Just because you’veheard how carpenter ants can potentially cause structural damage to your homedoesn’t mean that they like to snack on wood. Although theirmandibles are strong enough toallow them to chew through wood, these creatures don’t swallow it. The onlyreason why they chew wood is that they’re busy creating their nests andtunnels. One of the clearest indicators of a carpenter ant infestation aroundyour home is when you begin to see piles of sawdust that come from the woodthey chew through.

They’re a Bunch of Neat Freaks

Carpenter ants couldn’tstand the sight of wood debris, old food, and even dead ant bodies scattered intheir tunnels and nests. That’s why they removethese things as quickly as they can before theydisinfect their nest using the resin they’ve collected.

Their Bites Hurt

Even in the absence ofstingers, the bite of a carpenter ant can be very painful because of the formic acid that theyinject into their victim’s wound while they’re biting them.

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Looking for Pest ControlServices West Palm Beach?

If you’re in dire needfor pest control services West Palm Beach, schedule an inspection with O’HaraPest Control today. Callus now.

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