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Pest Control Services West Palm Beach | A Closer Look at Fire Red Ants

Most homeowners encounter the sting of the red imported fire ants between the months of June and November. During this time of the year, it’s not unusual for people to call for pest control services West Palm Beach to get this ant species out of their homes. Let’s take a closer look at these aggressive insects:

How to Spot Their Nest

Fire red ants are usually transported to new places through potted plants, shrubs, and trees. When you spot a large mound nest near your home’s structural foundations or landscaping, you can be sure that you’re looking at their home. Their nests usually measure between two- and four-square feet and most of them are flattened and irregularly shaped. When they find their way inside your home through your HVAC system or AC units, these tiny fire red ants can become a huge problem.

The Sting of the FireRed Ant

They don’t actually bite people – they sting them. However, these ants will only sting humans who disturb their nests. Their painful stings result in raised welts that eventually turn into white pustules. Someone who gets stung by these insects gets multiple stings from more than a single ant. Furthermore, a person who’s allergic to insect stings could potentially experience a severe allergic reaction.

How They Survive Floodwaters

When floodwaters riseduring the hurricane seasons, you may spot a group of fire red ants thattransform themselves into a living raft. They do this by linking their legstogether long enough until they can find a dry place where they could rebuildtheir colony. Moreover, their waxy exterior expels water – which is why theycan manage to float.

When to Call for PestControl Services West Palm Beach

If you see a fire red ant anywhere near your home, don’t hesitate to call for pest control services West Palm Beach. Contact O’Hara Pest Control to get rid of these pesky ants!

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