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Pest Control Jupiter | How to Spot a Termite Infestation

Termites thrive in areas where the weather is mostly warm and humid. When homeowners don’t take proactive preventive steps to keep these pests at bay, they could cause extensive damage to your house without you noticing. If you don’t want to deal with expensive repairs, it’s best to contact a pest control Jupiter company to help keep your home termite-free. Meanwhile, here’s how you can spot a termite infestation:


Swarming is a part of the termite mating ritual. Seeing termites flying around the house usually happens during spring and summer. Although termites may look a bit similar to ants, you can tell the difference by the termite’s wider body and the two sets of identical upper and lower wings that are much bigger than their bodies. Ants have short pinched waists with lower pairs of wings that are smaller than the upper sets.

Wing Sightings

Termites shed their wings after they find a mate. Once you spot wings on your windowsills, light fixtures, and floors, you can be sure that those pests are building new nests in your home.

Frass Sightings

Frass might look a lotlike sawdust, but it’s termite fecal matter. You’ll usually spot them nearareas where termites burrow into the wood. To discard the frass, they tend todrill knockout holes in wood.

Buckling or Warped Walls

The structural integrityof drywall construction and wood fibers will be compromised. They hollow outspaces in your walls and cause them to appear like they’re warped or damaged bywater.

Mud Tubes

Termites like to createdirt piles and networks of mud tubes in areas near your home’s foundation.These serve as central roadways for hauling food back to their nests.

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Do You Need to Call aPest Control Jupiter Company?

Let a professional pest control Jupiter company handle all your termite issues. Contact O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an inspection.

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