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Pest Control Jupiter | Facts and Myths About Cockroaches

Nobody wants to find roaches in their homes. In fact, most pest control Jupiter companies get plenty of calls from homeowners who are dealing with roach issues. However, did you know that once you get to know these pesky pests, you might be surprised to find out how incredibly interesting they are? Check out these facts and myths about roaches that may surprise you:

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Common Myths AboutCockroaches:

All Roaches are Pests

In reality, only 1% of all the cockroaches in the world are considered pests. However, the ones that are typically found in your house are the ones that make up this number. The most common pests that can be spotted in U.S. households include the German, Oriental, American, and brown-banded roaches.

Cockroaches Don’t Make AllergiesWorse

The truth is, roaches excrete proteins that may trigger allergic reactions to people who are sensitive to it, especially individuals with asthma. Furthermore, their decaying molted exoskeletons, as well as their fecal matter, also produce allergens. Roaches are also known to carry disease-causing bacteria when they come in contact with your food various surfaces in your home.

Cockroaches Can Survivea Nuclear Blast

No, they can’t. Althoughthey can handle radiation 10 times more than any human could, not a singleroach could ever survive a nuclear blast.

Bigger Roaches Cause BiggerProblems

It doesn’t matter whatsize the roach is – all of them have the potential to make you and your familysick. They can also worsen your allergies.

Roaches Only Like to InvadeDirty Homes

Roaches they don’t careabout how clean or how dirty your home is. As soon as they spot certain cracksand points of entry that aren’t sealed, they won’t hesitate to squeezethemselves through them to gain access to the food and water sources that arefound in your house.

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Looking for a PestControl Jupiter Company?

If you’re looking to find a reliable pest control Jupiter company, call O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an inspection.

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