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Pest Control Jupiter | Facts About Fire Ant Bites You Never Knew

Imagine yourself working in your beautiful garden or mowing your front lawn when you felt the vicious attack of red ants on your feet. If you want to rid your property of these small offenders, the best course of action is to enlist the help of a reliable pest control Jupiter service provider. Next, it would really help if you try to learn more about fire ants and their bites.

How Can I Identify These Ant Species?

One of the most important things that you can do to get rid of these ant species is to properly identify them. Although they’re called red imported fire ants, they can appear to be reddish-brown or black in terms of color and they’re usually about 1/8- to 1/4-inch long in terms of length. Furthermore, they have two nodes and 10-segmented antennae with a club that has two segments. The only kind of fire ants that can sting you are the worker fire ants.

Do They Bite or Sting?

Since fire ants are quick to defend and protect their colony, the female worker ants won’t hesitate to attack anything or anyone that presents a threat to its home. As soon as they sense that their mound is being disturbed, they immediately climb on whatever is causing the disturbance. Furthermore, they bite their victims first before they sting them. In order to get a good grip on someone, they would need to sink their mandibles into their skin first. Once they successfully do so, they sting and inject their venom plenty of times as they move around them in circles.

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Hire a Pest Control Jupiter Expert!

Don’t mess with the fire ants – let the pest control Jupiter expert do it for you. Contact O’Hara Pest Control to schedule an inspection.

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