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Pest Control Boca Raton | Tips for Identifying a Wolf Spider

Unlike other spiderspecies, wolf spiders don’t need to spin webs to catch their prey. Furthermore,instead of waiting for their food as most spiders do, wolf spiders like tostalk and hunt them. They look much like tarantulas but only smaller. If youhave a wolf spider issue in your home, you’ll need to enlist the help of a pest control Boca Raton expert. Inthe meantime, here’s how you can identify a wolf spider.

How You Can Identify aWolf Spider

Look for Their KeyCharacteristics

Wolf spiders are generally hairy and they can either be brown or gray in color. You may noticethat their bodies have distinct lines or markings on them. In terms of length,females measure about 3 to 4mm while males are approximately 19mm long.

Check Out Their Eyes

A wolf spider’s eight eyes are arranged in three rows with four small ones comprising thefirst row and two large ones making up the second row. The two medium-sizedeyes are found in the third row. You’ll notice that the two biggest eyes arefound in the central portion.

Look for the ThreeTarsal Claws

In case you’rewondering, a tarsal happens to be the first part of the arachnid’s leg. You’llknow that you’re looking at a wolf spider if you see three claws at the end of their legs.

Keep Your Eyes Peeledfor Their Fangs

Did you know that wolf spiders have fangs that looka lot like pincers? Not only that, these fangs have a side-to-side orientationas well. However, this feature isn’t exclusive to wolf spiders because allspider species that belong to the infraorder Araneomorpae or the “true spider”have these pincer-like fangs as well.

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Are You Looking for aPest Control Boca Raton Expert?

If you have spiderproblems in your home, it’s best to contact a reliable and experienced pestcontrol Boca Raton service provider right away. CallO’Hara Pest Control today.

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