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Exterminator West Palm Beach | Difference Between an Exterminator and a Pest Control Professional

Most folks who find themselves dealing with pest issues in their homes and businesses immediately think about employing the services of an exterminator West Palm Beach – or a pest control specialist. But what is the difference between both? Although these two types of experts can effectively deal with the pest infestations that you would want to get rid of, their methods aren’t similar to each other.

What is a Pest Exterminator?

A pest exterminator is a pest specialist who comes to your home or place of business to kill the unwanted creatures that have been causing you a lot of problems. Exterminators utilize certain pesticides to get the job done. Unfortunately, these materials contain chemicals that can be extremely toxic than necessary to address the issue. Since these experts tend to focus on the elimination of the pests that are taking up residence in your property, they only offer a temporary solution to a problem that’s potentially long-term. Before the exterminators leave your home, they make sure that they’ve successfully gotten rid of the pests in your kitchen at all costs with the use of their chemicals and pesticides.

What is a Pest Control Professional?

On the other hand, a pest control professional is an expert who’s more concerned at providing you with long-term solutions rather than just killing all the pests and sending you the bill for it. When they come to your home, they will perform a thorough inspection so that they can come up with a strategy that will keep these pests at bay. Aside from providing you with the advice you need on how you can make your property less welcoming to these unwanted guests, the chemicals they use are less toxic to humans and pets than those that are used by exterminators.

Looking for an Exterminator West Palm Beach?

Are you going to hire a pest exterminator West Palm Beach or a pest control professional? If you’re looking for a real solution to your pest problem, contact O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an inspection.

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