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Ant Control West Palm Beach | How to Deal with Ants in Your Home

Ants are one of the most annoying pests because they seem to be virtually everywhere. Even after you’ve tried your best to get rid of them, you’ll spot countless of them in another area of your home. Since ants are social arthropods that exist in colonies, the best way to keep them from finding their way into your home is to contact an ant control West Palm Beach professional. However, there are some things you can do even before you call the experts. Check these out:

Keep Entrance AreasSealed Off

Their size makes it easy for them to sneak into your house. That’s why you’ll need to locate their entry point by following their trail. As soon as you find it, use silicone caulk glue, plaster, or putty to seal these holes off. You can also use poster tack or petroleum jelly to temporarily keep them out.

Locate the Queen

The queen of the colony is hidden from view. Aside from giving directions to the colony, the queen ant produces large numbers of ants. While worker ants are working night and day to get food, she remains at the center of the ant nest, continuously laying eggs. It’s useless to eliminate all the ants that you see around your home if you won’t eliminate the queen. The best way to find the nest is to observe where those worker ants come from and head to. The ant control West Palm Beach service provider can easily get this job done because sometimes ant trails disappear into walls, making them more challenging to trace.

Keep Your Home Clean

Similar to rodentcontrol, you must make sure that your house is always kept clean and tidy. Itwould be impossible to keep those pests at bay if food crumbs and spills areleft unattended.

The Best Ant ControlWest Palm Beach Service Provider

If you’re looking to find the best ant control West Palm Beach service provider, contact O’Hara Pest Control today to schedule an inspection.

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